Saturday, February 26, 2011

lymes disease map

Lyme Disease Map – United States

Lyme Disease Map – United States

IGeneX, Inc - Reference Laboratory Specializing in Lyme and Other Tick-borne

IGeneX, Inc - Reference Laboratory Specializing in Lyme and Other Tick-borne

Lyme Disease Map – United States

Lyme Disease Map – United States

The map above shows the Lyme Disease Risk in the United States.

The map above shows the Lyme Disease Risk in the United States.

usa-lyme-map.jpg. A team from the University of Bath and colleagues from the

usa-lyme-map.jpg. A team from the University of Bath and colleagues from the

In fact, Lyme disease has been reported in 68 countries, and is more common

In fact, Lyme disease has been reported in 68 countries, and is more common

Mean annual Lyme disease incidence per 100000 persons by county of residence

Mean annual Lyme disease incidence per 100000 persons by county of residence

The map shows the established and reported distribution of the Lyme disease

The map shows the established and reported distribution of the Lyme disease

MAP 25 Distribution of erythema borreliosis migrans (Lyme disease) and its

MAP 25 Distribution of erythema borreliosis migrans (Lyme disease) and its

~NOTE: CDC says Lyme Disease is under reported

~NOTE: CDC says Lyme Disease is under reported

Map of New York State showing the number of reported lyme disease cases

Map of New York State showing the number of reported lyme disease cases

Here's the map: Lyme Disease in Monterey, California, Statistics. FIGURE 5.

Here's the map: Lyme Disease in Monterey, California, Statistics. FIGURE 5.

map.gif (25690 bytes). Number of reported cases of Lyme disease, by state,

map.gif (25690 bytes). Number of reported cases of Lyme disease, by state,

Lyme disease incidence map

Lyme disease incidence map

If you would like more info on Lyme in New York, check out the New York Lyme

If you would like more info on Lyme in New York, check out the New York Lyme

Map: Reported cases of Lyme disease in the United States, 1999.

Map: Reported cases of Lyme disease in the United States, 1999.

Image of map: Established and reported distribution of the Lyme disease

Image of map: Established and reported distribution of the Lyme disease

However, as may be seen from Map 1 (page 16), the disease remains highly

However, as may be seen from Map 1 (page 16), the disease remains highly

 view sites where ticks carrying the bacterium that causes Lyme Disease

view sites where ticks carrying the bacterium that causes Lyme Disease

A GIS-based analysis of the TM map by municipality demonstrated that urban

A GIS-based analysis of the TM map by municipality demonstrated that urban


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