confronted with another MAMMA challenge, i began delving into all my stacks of boxes looking for little metal findings to create the altered keys. to my surprise i realized how "sick" collecting art supplies can become. i literally have enough "stuff" to last me for the rest of my lifetime. what happens is that there is always that one something that you don't have which prompts you to run to the craft store or, what's worse, going online where there are probably more links to this addiction than porno sites. focused and intent on sticking to buying that one item, vowing to put the blindfold on this time, as soon as i walk into the store you i am in a trance and a good hour passes in absolute oblivion of time, space and promises. there are always new creative treasures appearing on the shelves and it is virtually impossible to not gorge on them. so the shoes, the pedicure, the new pair of jeans get postponed once again in exchange for an "orgy" of art supplies. if i were to have saved all the receipts from my multiple purchases i would probably come up with a sum equal to the value of an italian villa or that much-dreamed of little summer cottage up the california coast. GOD, please grant me the serenity......
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