Friday, April 16, 2010

Habit 5 of Chronically Fit People: Seek First to Love Your Body; Then Act as if You Do

[This takeoff on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People began Saturday where you’ll find the complete list of 7 Habits of Chronically Fit People.]

Stephen Covey’s # 5 Habit of Highly Effective People is to “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”.

My #5 Habit of Chronically Fit People is to “Seek First to Love Your Body; Then Act as if You Do”.

Thus far I’ve asked you to think about how and why you got unfit and what is holding you in this unhappy state. I asked you what you’re missing in life because you can’t keep up physically. Maybe you even thought you’d gotten onto the slippery slope to total disability and that there was no way back. I hope you’re beginning to let go of that negativity.

If you’ve got your engine revved (Habit #1), have set a small fitness goal for starters (Habit #2), written a list of priorities that will help you move out of this negative space about your body (Habit #3) and did yesterday’s homework, it’s time to take action!

For Habit 4, I asked you to choose an eating plan, exercise plan and/or support group that appeals to you. Don’t feel locked into it. If yoga doesn’t work out, try a dance class. If you don’t like the food on the South Beach plan, try the Sonoma or Volumetrics approach.

If you are better motivated with support from people who’ve been where you are, join a group … or start a blog (more on that tomorrow).

Do it TODAY. Sign up for that class. Order that book. Join a support group. Demonstrate your commitment to be fitter tomorrow than you are today. Actions speak louder than words.

If you’re having trouble with the first part of Habit #5 – loving your body - I’ll have an Extra Assignment for You tomorrow. Don’t worry. You won’t have to write a theme. Lol.

Tags: put food in perspective, choose healthy food, eat healthy for life,


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