Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ageless Beauty Seeking Calm

[Yesterday I told you about the free Word of the Year Discovery Tool from Christine Kane.]

I completed the worksheet and determined that my word for 2011 is “Calm”. Of course, choosing a word is just the first step. I need to work the word all year long.

If I’m able to embrace and live the word “calm” daily:

• My marriage will improve because I won’t take offhand remarks personally;
• I’ll worry less about all the things I “have to do” and find time for the things I want to do;
• I’ll get a lot of clutter out of my life and have better focus;
• I’ll accept all people despite what I perceive as faults or how they may have hurt me.

Sounds like a tall order doesn’t it? It also sounds to me like something worth working for.

The worksheet helped me to create a list of habits that I can practice when confronted with challenges.

I can listen to the beautiful hymn in the video above. I can pet one of our four dogs or hug my husband. I can pray for inner peace and strength. I can think calming phrases like “Be still and know that I am” (Psalm 46:10) or the lilies of the field advice (“Worry not. For your Father knows that you need all these things.”).

I’ve determined some proactive steps I can take to help me feel calmer and healthier:

• Recycle some “oldie but goodie” blog posts to reduce the pressure of a daily blog;
• Unsubscribe from many of the newsletters I get online;
• Be the first to smile;
• Take up yoga or Pilates again;
• Take at least a half hour a day to do something I want rather than “have to do”.

Have you chosen your word yet? I’d be so interested to hear. Please leave comments below.

Tags: New Year resolutions, self-improvement, healthy lifestyle choices,


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