Friday, February 1, 2008

Around me Now

Around me Now
Originally uploaded by peregrine blue
Hard as step two was which was the actual artwork inspired by the Renga we put together, I was happy to be pushed to challenge myself. The writing of the last line of the poem came rather easily to me since I was lucky to bring the four previous lines together. But creating the artwork was a totally different matter since it implied creating something that reflected the entire mood of the Renga. Impossible for me. So i picked the words apart, phrase by phrase and picked around me now. Since we are being called into a dance, I thought these the most powerful words to portray all the things we see around us, have around us that we may miss if we DON't join in the dance. I hope others see it that way too since I think the Renga turned out beautifully.

Now for challenge two which I think is totally appropriate now that we have written two Rengas......a journal to be created for writing them in with one of our favorite poems on the cover. I have two in mind...ofcourse Neruda's definition of poetry, but I also ran into a children's book called Every Moon Has a Face and I fell in love with the poetry. That will be it,

Oh friendships and kinships, how lucky I am to have met my ZNERS.


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