Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunday's Swapmeet Treasures

Off we went to the Swapmeet again on Sunday. The best day at the Ventura Swapmeet is Sunday becasue all the good stuff, oldies, vintage, antiques are there. We got up really early and drove up sleepy-eyed and came home loaded with tons of treasures. We then sat under the canvas tented area and ate homemade Pozole and corn tortillas, delicious. A miracle we survived 'till after noon since we had slumber-partied together the night before and chit chatted 'till way past 1 a.m. Yet, it's not often I get to have here; she lives a good hour away and works really hard all week at her jean alteration business in Sherman Oaks (Dr. Blue Jeans).
Back home we sorted through all of it and got to work photographing for sale on etsy under the vintage section. All this in my continuing endeavor to save for my upcoming trip to Chile in March. I am so excited. I haven't been back in 9 years and all my friends have already planned a million things for me, including an invitation to a wedding.


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