Quick ! Quick ! Come inside !
That rain is crazy and the wind ... sheesh, it's so strong !
Have a seat.
Alia's made you some raisin toast.
It was clear for a bit this morning.
Overcast but not raining.
The kids got to play outside for a little while.
Overcast but not raining.
The kids got to play outside for a little while.
And I did a bit of painting.
But then, the sky opened up.
Just like yesterday.
Just look at my laundry basket.
I washed and hung about four loads of washing (two days ago) before I knew it was going to rain.
Of course it wasn't dry before the down pour started ...
I'm not complaining.
I don't mind a rainy day or two.
But I would have like to take the kids to the beach today.
They were home from school because
the teachers were all on
I won't tell you what I think of that
They go back to school tomorrow.
I wonder if the teachers achieved what they wanted to achieve ?
As for us, we found ways to amuse ourselves indoors.
Alia built a cubby house for her and her dolls.
They watched Strawberry Shortcake from inside it.
Jono spent a lot of the day on the couch, reading.
Our kitty cat could be found on the chair beside him.
And me ?
What did I get up to on this fine rainy day ?
I think I taught myself how to embroider !
Don't know if I'm doing it right.
I have a book that my sister in law loaned me and I tried to follow the stitches.
Here's my practice pieces.
I just made up the patterns using the stitches I was learning ...
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