Saturday, June 20, 2009

Effect of Sun on the skin

Excellent article on what effect the sun can have on your skin. Must read as the summer is coming so most of us will be getting some suntan. Make sure you do it safely and do not destroy your facial skin.

Everything has its pros and cons, and so does the sun when talking in context of its effect on the skin. Although it is medically advisable for the skin to be exposed to the sun rays but it is also a medically tested and proven fact that the UV rays in the sunlight are extremely harmful for the human skin. Here are a few ways in which the skin may be blemished:

Change in the Skin pigmentation

This is the most common and widespread effect of the UV rays on the skin. Long term exposure to the hazardous UV spectrum can cause freckles on the surface. This kind of tarnishing is more dominant among the light-skinned people. UV rays also cause the destruction of melanin producing cells of the skin called melanocytes. These cells are mainly responsible for the proper pigmentation of the skin and hence the dark colored liver spots arise due to their damage.

Skin cancer

It is scientifically proven that long term susceptibility to the Suns UV rays can cause cancer in the skin. These radiations are of very high frequency and directly penetrate the cells of the skin and cause mutations. These mutations can lead to unchecked multiplications of the skin cells thus causing cancer. There is a high probability that this cancer spreads to other parts of the body if not treated in the benign stage.


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