Thursday, April 22, 2010

Interview with Maarten Vande Wiele

Dynasty and Sex and the City

Maarten Vande Wiele wrote two comics about fashion: I love Paris and I hate Paris. These stories show us the life of three women, desperate to make it to the top. Hope wants to be a top model, whereas Faith’s dream is to be a singer. Chastity sleeps with wealthy men in the hope to be rich one day.

Judith: Your comic It’s not just drama, it’s society looks a lot like the soap Dynasty. Was that reference meant to be?
Maarten: Yes surely, it’s a real Dynasty tribute. I’m a big Joan Collins fan. I really like the fact that she plays the bitch. The soap reminds me of my childhood, when we used to watch Dynasty with my family. The soap left a big impression on me. Before I drew this comic I did some research and watched some video clips.

J: Are you working on something right now?
M: I’m doing some research for a new comic, based on Karla Homolko, at the moment. She was an evil woman. (Karla and her boyfriend were known as the Barbie and Ken killers, because they both were blond). I think she is quite fascinating. But I guess it will take me at least two years to complete this comic.

(Maarten drew these for me. Originally this page only existed of the words I love Paris and I hate Paris)

J: Your comics I love Paris and I hate Paris are described as Sex and the City-like. But when I read them, I found I couldn’t agree with it, because the girls are more concurrents than friends.
M: I wanted the cover to look really innocent and when people opened the book, they would be like “Oh my God!!! What is this?” (laughs) It’s a little bit deceptive, but I really wanted this book to end up with girls and women.
J: Who was your favourite character in this comic?
M: Chastity for sure, because she crosses every border there is to cross. She has absolutely no moral consciousness. It was really entertaining to create her. At least she stays always true to her values.
M: I had the feeling that some of the characters were inspired by real people.
A: Yes, that’s true. You have Anna Wintour, Viktor and Rolf, Mariah Carey and Joan Collins. A lot of my dialogues were also citations.
J: How did you choose the clothes?
M: I watched the fashion shows and drew the clothes I liked.
J: Why a comic about fashion?
M: Fashion is everywhere right now, there are continuously tv-shows about the subject. I wanted to make a really big soap with these comics. I also wanted to criticise the fact that people are consuming so much lately.
J: Will there be a sequel?
M: Not right now. I made these two comics in one year, to be ready when the “Stripbeurs Turnhout” started, so now I have enough. But if there will be a sequel it will definitely be in another town or even another city. I will also focus more on Chastity.
J: What is your own relation with clothes?
M: I like Ralf Simons a lot. I don’t really have many designer clothes. Mostly I buy Zara clothes. I’m definitely not a fashionisto.
J: Thank you for this conversation!!
M: You’re welcome!

I love Paris (Uitgeverij Oogachtend, Leuven, 2009) is completely sold out. I hate Paris (Uitgeverij Oogachtend, Leuven, 2009) is almost sold out. There are plans to reprint both comics in one book. There will also appear an Italian version in about a half year.
You can order this comic on: or on


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