The following is taken from a homily I recently heard...
Every one of us can be one of these two "seas". If we want to be full of life and beauty we have to give of ourselves like the Sea of Galilee. We must take what we receive and give it to others. If we on the other hand just take take take and never give we will end up ugly and dead with no chance of life and beauty just like the Dead Sea. These two "seas" are a glimpse of heaven and hell on earth. We experience a little bit of heaven when we give of ourselves because in heaven no one is selfish. Hell is filled with selfish people. In hell their is a huge banquet table with all the tastiest and finest foods. Everything you ever dreamed of eating is out on the table and everyone in hell is sitting around ready to eat. The only problem is that their forks are four feet long. Can you imagine trying to eat with a four foot long fork? No one could get the food into their mouth. It was torture. In heaven there is the exact same scene. The banquet table with all the food is there including the four foot forks. The difference though is that in heaven they are feeding each other. They are thinking of each other and giving to each other and in that everyone is fed. My sisters in Christ let us work every day to give of ourselves and never count the cost because our reward awaits us at the banquet feast of heaven.
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