Monday, January 17, 2011

birds from {16}

Here are a few of the bird photos I took the other day ...

The Lorikeets are so beautiful but so fast and so high up in the trees !

These birds were so amazing !

I was actually leaving the library parking lot (one of my favorite places to shoot bird and flower photos !) and heard these guys ... I pulled over and took these photos ! I took a little video too. The footage isn't that great but I wanted you to be able to hear them ...

I think these are Common Myna birds ...

They would just swoop in and sit on each other.

Look at the photo below ... see how they stood on each others heads ?!

They reminded me of kids ...

It was almost like they were after their mother's attention !

I never saw the mother but this little butcher bird ?? (above) watched for a bit ...

They were so noisy !

And they just kept getting up and then flying around, low to the ground, and then laying on each other again. Can you see how the bird in the top photo ... the one in the right hand corner is just laying there ... it's like they are playing ... I just couldn't stop watching ! It was fascinating !!

Eventually though, they flew away ! And I moved on to the beach, where I found this little guy.

I think he's a young Magpie ...

He stood there and posed for me !

Seriously ... he kept moving position and then standing still again !

Here's a few more photos of the Osprey ...

I love this one of him cleaning his feathers !

I showed a couple of these photos to the guy at the camera store the other day ...

he said he thinks this is a juvenile Osprey ...

how cool is that ??

I'd love to get a photo of one of these in flight one day !
Of course ... I'm going to need a bigger lens for that !

A beach day photo shoot of birds wouldn't be complete without a couple shots of seagulls ...

There ... Complete !!

PS ... This post is dedicated to my Mom who loves birds !

It's my blog. I can dedicate posts if I want to !!



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