Monday, January 24, 2011


first the bad news:
day before yesterday, encouraged by a friend who suggested i post larger photographs, i started mucking around with blogger to change the format.  horror of horrors, i realized how difficult it is to reach a layout that is both pleasing to the eye and portrays all the different cants of my complex persona, the subtle messages i want to communicate in an instant, the sense of life i seek to share, the encompassing of it all on what they now call "the front page" or "first impression".  two days later, i am still fixing what i messed up, a task that requires alot of patience.  which reminds me
"if it works...don't fix it".

moving on to the good news...i just found out my son jon's band Captions just won the

at The Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles.  Captions is an alternative music group with a vintage feel in music.  I can feel alot of English influence, although i can't quite pinpoint the exact influence yet, i just know i have felt it before.
"Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought." -E.Y. Harburg
Then arrives news that my daughter tatiana is fast becoming a self taught chef, much in the tradition of my mother.  Actually, this is a family of alternative people, mostly all self-taught.


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