Friday, January 21, 2011

Empress: Daydream

If you’re just stopping in and wondering what these things are, go HERE to learn more about the Exalted Beauty Empress Medallion Collection in progress.

The set above entitled Daydream is the 11th color set presented so far, with 19 more sets of ten to go! Painting the Empress medallions on this every other day schedule has proven to be an extremely difficult challenge; I’ve been finding it almost impossible to make my self imposed deadlines! However, much of that stress/time constraint could be due to the fact that I spontaneously decided to give my studio a complete makeover between sets! My darling husband calls these impetuous moments my *Storms*. Apparently I get a notion in my head and there’s no stopping me! I completely stripped the studio removing all the furniture along with hundreds of botanical studies and hare sketches from the walls; I relocated all of the Exalted Beauty Medallions and party/exhibition paraphernalia to my art storage room, hoed out 5 years worth of collected randomness, painted the walls (perhaps an overly bright shade of yellow), and then had the Mr. install some track lighting and build some fabulous new storage shelves, which I then decided also had to be painted, which then led to painting all of he studio furniture…. and… You see where this is going, right? It has been quite the experience, not much of it good. But it did lead to a magical and wondrous thing – after 5 years of living in our new house – I UNPACKED! Well, not EVERYTHING. But I was finally reunited with my treasured art books and knickknacks and, slowly but surely, between Empress sets, I’m working on finding my stuff a home in the newly organized studio space. I will share photos of the Studio Makeover as soon as I am finished. In the meantime – stay tuned for more Empress!


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