Friday, January 7, 2011

Great Talks

So - one beautiful baby and one crazy but fun Thanksgiving/Christmas Season later... I'm finally making time to write again.

Among many other New Year's Resolutions... I've trying to educate myself more in my faith. It's funny, because I've studied the faith a lot, A LOT A LOT (half a year on the interworkings of the Holy Trinity anybody?) and yet it's been hitting me how much I don't know. How much is known about our faith and has been studied... How much love people have poured into learning about our God, and His plan for us... Amazing. Tangent.

Anyway - my husband found a website that has really great talks about all kinds of subjects about the faith. I've listened to a couple of the talks, and recommend them highly.

Warning though: If you decide to download the talks (which they are totally ok with) it's a little funky, you have to right click, blah, blah, blah. Make sure to read the FAQs and it tells you how to do it.

But DO it. It's completely worth it.


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