Friday, January 7, 2011

Makes me blush (literally)

I haven't been around much lately (papers and essays are due) but today is a good day to post;
Lacquerized made an appearance and former beauty-blogger Bjooti made a re-appareance as a lipstick-blogger.

That gave me inspiration to post about one thing that I have put off posting because it seems so dull. Rouge, blush or whatever you may call it, is not something you get excited about, is it? I rarely find one worth keeping. My love for blush started with Make up Store's lovely blush in a cute bubblegum pink (called Chic). It was a 3-in-1 product from Jessica Simpson's Dessert treats that was followed by Eyeko's fatbalm in Raspberry.

Lately, it's been a Mosaic powder from NYX that's been swirled, dotted and dusted. I won it in a giveaway but as I haven't seen it mentioned in any blogs (lately), I think it needs to be mentioned (again and again). Mine is Plummy and can be blended into a couple of different shades (as they all can).

Reading this I realize that this is yet another giveaway post. Why is it that I am more amazed by the things I win than by the things I buy?


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