Sunday, April 18, 2010

What I do when it’s close to midnite.. :)

Hello there! How are you?

it’s almost midnite when i wrote this post, and I must say, what Tiara said to me in twitter a while ago was true, funny/interesting things happened when it’s close to midnite.. :D

Before your mind wander off to somewhere unrelated to what I have in mind.. *ehm* let me tell you that it’s related with beauty blogging.. Yup, it’s me rambling again.. :)

You might be not knowing this, but most of my blog posts are created at night, since I’m so busy during the day. So, moments like now, wearing my pajamas, working with my laptop and BB on the dinner table, is very common and usually happens every night.. :P (I can see that many of you are nodding your head, saying “Agree!”)

Well, this night I don’t really have the mood or inspiration to blog, but when logged in to blogger and checked my blog, I found 2 sweet comments in my chatbox (to the right, to the right)..  one of them were saying that I’m in the list for local beauty blogger here in Indonesia, yay! ^^ I feel so honored and happy.. Thank you so much, Daisy! ^^

localbb2 taken from Living Daisy’s blog

I’ve known several of them, like Mapple, Nissa, Onickchan, Essie, Dina, and Wortel. I know that it’s not as much like beauty bloggers in other countries, but hey, it’s a great start right? :D In the other hand, there are many top-quality fashion blogger  around here, like Diana Rika Sari, Evita Nuh, and Clara Devi. They all have amazing taste of fashion and photography, don’t forget to check them all out ya.. ^^v

Also, many people in Fashionese Daily forum (popular forum for female in Indonesia) have been concerning about how hard it is finding reviews of Indonesian beauty products, so in the future I’ll try to post more local beauty products and reviews..  ^^

Oh yeah, speaking of review, I read on the net that beauty bloggers should add the FTC disclosure in every post of review they made. Hmm.. I think I’ll have to work on that too.. Every beauty bloggers out there, do pay attention to this matter ya! ^^ (You can read further for that matter, here)

Next, about one thing that’s been bugging me this whole week, writer’s block. But you know what? Now when I’m having a writer’s block, I know how to solve it. The key is: “Don’t fight the feeling, but instead follow where it leads you.” When I feel like I don’t want to write a review, i’ll just write an article like this. I don’t wanna force myself and make a terrible review in result. No no no.. >_<   I always try to make honest reviews and as credible as possible. I’m still learning, though. That’s why having fellow beauty bloggers as friends is very important. You can share your thoughts and opinions about beauty blogging, it’s always fun when the girls hang out and talk! (a shout out to Sarah! Hallo there!) ^^

Now I’m using mostly Twitter for my communication platform with bloggers worldwide. (I’m a Twitter-mania myself, can’t live without it, hehe..)  But if you’re a beauty blogger or a reader who wants to contact/communicate with me, just follow me in on ok? ^^

Actually, I’ve been thinking to make a vlog, but I never done it before, and I admit I feel rather doubted about it, hehe.. :P Seeing all the gurus in youtube like Bubzbeauty and Michelle Phan really intrigues me to make videos and post it on youtube, they’re so pretty and talented! ^^ The problem is, I have never exposed myself that far to the world, trust me, I’m a shy girl inside. Videos are different than pictures. The idea of all of you seeing me on 3D really..frightening me, yeah.. What about you? Have you ever tried vlog before? Any thoughts? :)

Well, you know what? it feels so relieving when you make a rambling post like this, haha! :P  I’m just typing spontaneously, no pressure at all.. You can see this post has no particular rhyme whatsoever, just keep it random here.. :P After all, we’re humans, we have feelings and thoughts in mind, but sometimes when you suppressed that emotions deep inside, you just have to get it out.. For me, my medium is words. And travelling, of course, hehe.. ^^

OK then,enough of me rambling, gotta go to sleep now.. The next post is gonna be a review from my previous purchases! Which one do you want me to review first? I’ll take that into a serious consideration! ^^

G;nite! ^_^



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